NorthStar Bets
That's A Win

Launching another new betting platform... but, like, with a message beyond "betting is exciting".
While other betting platforms were hiring Wayne Gretzky, The Trailer Park Boys, or that woman from Curb Your Enthusiasm who swears a lot, we launched NorthStar Bets by creating our own spokesperson - a funny, playful, and charismatic Winner.

And instead of having him tell people how THRILLING and EXCITING gambling is (things they already know because it’s literally the only thing our competitors were talking about), we created a personality-filled platform that highlighted one simple fact: Everything NorthStar Bets does is a win.
Launch TV | 0:30 "Spoils"
0:15 TV | "Mirror"
Tone of Voice
We carried the tone and personality of our Winner into banners, OOH, and social, creating a brand that looks, feels, and sounds very different than our competitors.
Role: Creative Director
Copywriter (TV): Aisling Penco
Art Director: Angelo Roldan
Copywriter (TOV): Me, Layton Wu
Agency: Leo Burnett, Toronto