Outside Thinkers
Canadian Bureau
of Foreign Apologies

A fake government agency created to guilt the actual government into action.
In 2010, the Government of Canada promised to protect 17% of its natural lands by 2020. In 2018, they'd only protected just over 11% With time running out to fulfill their pledge, we partnered with environmental activist group Outside Thinkers to create a fake government agency that ran very real ran ads in other countries apologizing for Canada's failure.
Launch Film
Ads In Other Countries

Full page ad in the Times of Malta

Digital OOH in Germany shared on Reddit.

Digital OOH in England
Canadians could send their MP a letter voicing their displeasure and urging them to do something about it.

Vice // Toronto Star // Little Black Book // AdWeek // Strategy // The Stable // Best Ads on TV // Ethical Marketing News // AdLand // Ad Stasher

Role: ACD
Partner: Ryan McNeill
Agency: GREY Toronto